Instructions: To use this puzzle please print it out on your printer. For those that do not know how to print it out, just go to the top of your browser and click on File. Inside of this list highlight 'Print File' and click. Be sure that your print settings are set for both Text and Graphics. To play is simple, hehe....with just a little challenge. The puzzle is actually two puzzles. First you must solve an anagram type puzzle by finding a word that fits in the space next to the word. We will usually give you a hint to one of the words. After you have figured the word out then you must find it inside the main puzzle. There is the solution page but use that only as a last resort. If you can figure out the entire puzzle then consider yourself very, very intelligent. Be sure to check back often for a new puzzle.
GOOD LUCK !!!! You are going to need it.
Solution will be posted at next puzzle update. Keep checking back.
Animal Group
created by Eric Simpson
hint: Band
of Gorillas
The Simpson's World
Copyright © 1998,1999 Eric Simpson
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